About us

Find out more about our service and see why it’s the perfect solution for when you need programming help.

What makes Codingpedia so special?

  • 300+ best
    coding experts

    Our staff includes certified professionals with years of experience in the field of programming. They know how to compete even the trickiest assignments.

  • 24/7 customer

    We make sure that you can contact us anytime. Get in touch with us by email, phone, or live chat whenever you need. Our support assistants answer your questions 24/7.

  • 15+ years in
    the business

    We’ve been helping students since 2005, which means we have a lot of experience and know how to satisfy the needs of every customer.

  • Reasonable

    We set affordable prices for our coding services because we know how important money is to students and how hard it is to earn it when you’re studying full-time.

Our guarantees

  • A money-back guarantee

    Not satisfied with your order? We will give your money back if we cannot fix the problem. You only pay for top-quality help on our website.

  • Free revisions

    We can edit your assignment for free if your expert has made a mistake or hasn’t followed your instructions.

  • Confidentiality guarantee

    We only collect data that is necessary to complete your order and deliver it to you on time. And we don’t disclose your personal information publicly.

Start using our service and take your programming skills to the next level